Our $100.00 gift basket is a beautiful selection of all our gift options. Each basket contains a 16oz glass jar of our raw honey, a 6oz scented beeswax candle, a 15oz bee coffee mug, a selection of three loose leaf tea flavors, a tea infuser, a bar of our handmade oatmeal & honey soap, our beeswax small skep candle, one votive candle, one of our larger beeswax candles (either a set of tapers, our honeycomb pillar, or the flower pillar), our 1.4oz solid lotion bar (lavender or unscented), and a honey dipper.
Each basket has been carefully selected to complement the items inside and add to the overall aesthetic of the gift. This adds a personal touch to the gift and provides an item that can be reused in the home.
Holiday Gift Basket $100